Speeding up the Rust edit-build-run cycle

There are two main aspects to compile times that matter to developers. Cold build times, when building from scratch and warm build times when you’ve already built and you’re rebuilding following an edit. This article focuses on warm build times, which for rapid iteration during development is what generally matters most.

We start with some tips for speeding up your Rust development cycle, then talk about work that I’m doing in this space to make it even faster.

For projects with minimal dependencies, you might find that your development cycle is already fast enough. In that case, great. This article will therefore use a crate with some heavyweight dependencies such that warm compilation times are a problem.

Benchmark setup

To start, we benchmark the cargo run time for a default configuration debug build using the default system linker (GNU ld). This gives us a time of 20.202 s ± 0.256 s which is slow enough to be fairly annoying.

Use a faster linker like Mold

Switching to a faster linker like mold (or sold for Mac) can make a very big difference. lld is also pretty fast - see the timings for it later.

With mold version 2.3.3 installed, we add the following to our .cargo/config.toml:

linker = "/usr/bin/clang-15"
rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=--ld-path=/usr/local/bin/mold"]

That reduces our cargo run time to 7.539 s ± 1.691 s.

Avoid linking debug info

Debug information tends to be large and linking it slows down linking quite considerably. If you’re like many developers and you generally use println for debugging and rarely or never use an actual debugger, then this is wasted time.

There are two ways you can do avoid linking debug information:

Using just the second option, should mean in theory that if you need debug information, that you can just need to relink. Unfortunately Cargo currently rebuilds everything from scratch when this option is changed. Also, as far as I know, this option won’t help on Mac, since rustc uses an external strip command to remove the debug information after linking is complete, presumably because the Mac linker doesn’t support the --strip-debug flag.

One limitation of setting debug=0 is that it doesn’t affect compilation of the Rust standard library because that comes precompiled with debug info. That means that with just debug=0 set, we’ll still be linking a bit of debug info.

debug = 0
strip = "debuginfo"

With just strip="debuginfo" our time comes down to 1.507 s ± 0.301 s.

With just debug=0 we’re slightly slower at 1.611 s ± 0.329 s

With both we get 1.576 s ± 0.355 s.

All three are pretty similar and well within 1 standard deviation of each other, so they’re effectively the same.

If developing on Linux, I’d probably set both, since setting debug=0 also improves the cold build times (77 seconds down from 107). If developing on Mac, probably just set debug=0. If developing on Windows, it’s probably a good idea to try both and measure the warm build time to see what combination has the best effect.

One downside of no debug info is that your backtraces will only have function names, with no line numbers. Personally, I don’t mind this and despite having debug=0 in my profile for a long time, didn’t even notice until matthieum (on Reddit) pointed it out. Note that you’ll still get the line number where the panic occurred, just not line numbers for the functions that called it. I find this to be an acceptable trade-off for faster warm builds.

If you do need debug info, setting split-debuginfo="unpacked" isn’t quite as fast as no debug info, but it’s a lot faster than actually linking the debug info. Thanks VorpalWay on Reddit for suggesting this option. Note however that this is already the default on Mac and it isn’t supported on Windows, so you’ll probably only see a difference when you set this on Linux. Whatever you do, it’s a good idea to measure the effect of your settings change on your warm build times.

You might be wondering about the effect of setting strip="symbols" which strips not just debug information, but also symbol tables. This can potentially speed up warm builds a little more, but has the significant downside that you won’t be able to get backtraces at all when you set RUST_BACKTRACE=1, so I wouldn’t recommend it for development builds.

Building a non-relocatable executable

Rust by default compiles relocatable executables. This means that each time the binary gets run, the operating system loads it at a random address. This is called ASLR (address space layout randomisation) and is an important mitigation against security vulnerabilities. However it’s generally not something we need during development and it turns out that we can save a little more time by turning it off. This step should be skipped if you’re building or using shared objects (e.g. .so files on Linux).

I found it easier to do this if we also statically link our binary with musl libc. The switch to musl and to static linking didn’t have any significant effect on the benchmark time.

You can install the musl toolchain with:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Then add the following to your .cargo/config.toml.

target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"

linker = "/usr/bin/clang-15"
rustflags = [ "-C", "relocation-model=static", "-C", "link-arg=--ld-path=mold" ]

This reduces our cargo run time to 1.156 s ± 0.039 s.

If you want to confirm that the executable is no longer relocatable, you can run file command on it. It should say ELF 64-bit LSB executable instead of ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable. The “pie” stands for Position Independent Executable.

Alternatives to Mold

lld is also a pretty fast linker. It’s not quite as fast as mold, but it’s pretty fast. Switching to lld increases our cargo run time to 1.602 s ± 0.011 s, which is still pretty good.

Summary of improvements

At this point we’ve reduced the warm build (and run) time from 20 seconds to 1.2 seconds, a 16x improvement! The main takeaways are:

I’d suggest you experiment with what configuration works best for your project and platform. You can also play with other configuration options. For example, if you’re happy to abort if you get a panic (at least during development), you might set panic="abort", which from my measurements gives another small reduction in warm build time. The key is to measure. Here’s a one-liner to help with that:

hyperfine --warmup 2 --prepare 'touch src/main.rs' 'cargo build'

If you don’t have hyperfine, see the hyperfine repository for installation instructions.

Diagnosing unexpected rebuilds of dependencies

If you’re frequently seeing cargo rebuild your dependencies when you’ve only changed your crate, it can take ages and really sap your productivity. It’s worth taking some time to figure out why. The main tool to help diagnose this is building with the -v flag. e.g.

cargo build -v

You’re looking for lines like the following:

Dirty rayon v1.8.1: the rustflags changed
Dirty regex-automata v0.4.5: the config settings changed

It’s possible that you’ll see crates being recompiled and Cargo doesn’t give you a reason. One common reason in this case is that the features for that crate have changed. This typically happens when you’re using a cargo workspace. Different crates in your workspace might request different features from your dependencies. When building the whole workspace with cargo build, the union of those features is used, however if you then request to just build a single crate, e.g. cargo build -p foo, only the features needed by the foo crate will be built, which means the dependency needs to be rebuilt. One way that some people solve this is to create a workspace-hack package that depends on all your dependencies with the union of all their features then have all your packages depend on workspace-hack. cargo-hakari is a tool to help automate this. Other options are to just not use workspaces or never use the -p flag.

Investigating remaining time

For many people, 1.2 s might be fast enough. But what if our project has an order of magnitude more dependencies, or if we’re running on a slower computer. Perhaps even 1.2 seconds isn’t fast enough for some.

Now that we’ve gotten it as fast as we can, it’s time to look at what’s taking time.

We can look at the times when each process gets started using strace. e.g.:

./random-edit src/main.rs; strace -tt -f --trace=execve -o strace.out cargo run

This increases the build time reported by cargo from 1.07s to about 1.33s, but that’s still close enough that it should give us a pretty good idea of how long things are taking. Looking at the resulting strace.out, we can note a few things:

Lets look a little more closely at what rustc is doing. Using a nightly version of rustc, we can build with the -Ztime-passes flag.

./random-edit src/main.rs; cargo rustc -- -Ztime-passes

The most interesting lines are the following:

time:   0.411; rss:  138MB ->  285MB ( +147MB)	codegen_crate
time:   0.454; rss:  145MB ->  146MB (   +1MB)	link
time:   0.939; rss:   26MB ->   75MB (  +48MB)	total

So of the 939 ms total, we’re spending about 454 ms linking, 411 ms on codegen and 74 ms on other stuff.

Possible future changes

Changing the defaults

We managed a 16x speedup in warm cargo run time relative to the defaults. This is great, but new users won’t necessarily know to do these things and will just be left with the impression that rust projects are slower to build than what’s actually necessary.

There has been talk about bundling lld with rust and using it by default. That would go a long way.

I also wonder what might be done about the debug information. In an earlier version of this article, I suggested that maybe the default should be no debug info, however given that this makes backtraces not have line numbers, I’m now not so sure. Probably the split-debuginfo="unpacked" should become the default on Linux like it is on Mac.

Incremental linking

What if we didn’t need to redo linking every time we made a change? i.e. if adding a print statement to a function could just result in that one function being updated in our binary. This could potentially give us an even faster dev cycle, especially for projects with even more dependencies or where we still need debug information.

The downside of incremental linking is that the resulting binary probably wouldn’t be bit-for-bit identical to what we’d get if we linked from scratch. But personally I don’t see that as a problem when I’m iterating on code making small edits.

Implementing linkers is hard, complex work and adding incremental linking to the mix makes it even more challenging. The Mold author has said that incremental linking is too hard and has too many downsides. But my experience is that Rust makes hard, complex things easier to implement, so let’s build an incremental linker in Rust!

There’s somewhat of a tradition that linkers end with the letters “ld” and it’s intended to eventually be an incremental linker, so that suggests it ends in “ild”. A quick search for words ending in “ild” yields “wild” as an interesting name. Let’s go with that.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve made a start on it. There’s still heaps to do, including actually making it incremental, but it can now link itself.

The performance of the wild linker can’t yet be properly compared with other linkers, since I haven’t yet implemented support for eh_frames, which are required for unwinding to work properly. They’re the next thing that I intend to implement.

My plan for this year is to work full time on improving Rust warm build times, starting by writing an incremental linker. I’ll be living off savings, the goodwill of my partner and github sponsors. How long I can do that for will depend on how much sponsorship I can get. So if you think your company might benefit from that, perhaps you can convince them to sponsor me? Huge thanks to my existing sponsors, especially Embark studios.

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