Speeding up rustc by being lazy

I’ve been busy working on the Wild linker (see previous posts), but wanted to divert for a moment to look at some other compilation speed things that I’ve been thinking about. This post discusses various thoughts about moving Rust codegen, monomorphisation and inlining later in compilation and some of the ways this might reduce both from-scratch and incremental build times.

Dead code

Dead code is code that gets compiled, but isn’t needed for the final binary. This might come from crates in our dependency tree where we’re only using part of the crate. It might also be from impls that we’re not using - e.g. lots of Debug and Clone impls that aren’t actually used. The amount of dead code that we compile varies quite a bit by crate.

In order to assess how much code is getting compiled then discarded during linking, I added support to the Wild linker to print garbage collection statistics. If I run this on ripgrep, which has a pretty lean and well-tuned build, we find that 17% of the executable code compiled is discarded.

For a less well-tuned binary, let’s pick on one of my own crates, the evcxr REPL. It shows that 35% of compiled code is discarded by the linker.

There’s already been work done in Rustc to support MIR-only rlibs. This would defer codegen to later in compilation. A lot of that work has been motivated by wanting to support compiling libstd with different options. Depending on how it’s done, we may be able to take advantage of it to make codegen happen on-demand. If codegen is deferred until link time, we know what is and isn’t referenced. e.g. we can start from main and see what is referenced. We can then perform codegen only for those functions that are referenced.

Repeated monomorphisations

Another source of wastage is duplicate monomorphisations. Generic code, such as std::Vec::<T>::push can’t be compiled to native code until the type parameter T is substituted. This means that it happens when building the crate that calls the function. But there could be multiple crates or codegen units that make use of the same monomorphisation. Repeating codegen for each of them is wasteful.

I did an investigation into duplicate functions by creating a tool that determines what percentage of the executable bytes in a binary are excess due to duplicate functions. For many build configurations, about 5-10% of the machine code going into your executable is likely excess copies of duplicated functions and most of that is due to repeating the same monomorphisation. You can read more in the tool’s README.

This is not only wasteful of compilation time, but also binary size. For release builds, various options such as setting codegen-units=1 and fat LTO reduce this duplication, however these options also hurt build times, so we need another solution.

There are two different sources of repeated monomorphisations. The first between codegen units within a crate. This seems to mostly be an issue for release builds because the monomorphisations are put into codegen units they’re referenced from, in case LLVM wants to inline them.

The second source of repeated monomorphisations is between crates. If multiple crates all need the same monomorphisations, then each crate produces it. These duplicates happen in both release and debug builds.

When compiling C++ code, GCC and Clang emit such monomorphisations as weak symbols rather than local symbols like rustc does. This lets the linker deduplicate them. This might be an option for reducing binary sizes, although it’s complicated by Rust’s use of the archive format for rlibs, since if the only symbols referenced in an archive entry are weak symbols, then the archive entry won’t be loaded. bjorn3 points out that this could be fixed by passing --whole-archive to the linker. Like setting codegen-units=1, this only helps the binary size-problem, not the wasted-compilation-time problem.

Some work on this problem has already been done in the form of the unstable flag -Zshare-generics which is on by default for non-optimised builds. This does reduce the number of duplicate monomorphisations, but there’s still plenty of duplicates from different crates remaining.

Duplicates originating from the same monomorphisation in different crates are somewhat tricky to solve, but one possibility to do something similar what the proposal above for dead code. i.e. defer monomorphisation to link time. Doing this would mean that we could create just one copy of each monomorphised function.

Recompiling dependents on implementation changes

Another source of wastage happens when you have several crates and you’re making changes to a library crate, then rebuilding some binary that depends on the library crate that you edited. Currently cargo rebuilds all crates in the dependency tree between the crate that you edited and the binary crate you’re building.

Diagram of several crates in a workspace

In the diagram above, if A is our binary (or a test crate) and we’re making edits to the implementation of a function in F, say adding and removing print statements, then each time we make a change, rustc needs to be invoked on all the crates with the dashed outlines. However ideally, it should be possible to just recompile F, then relink A.

Currently when the rust compiler compiles a library crate, it emits an rmeta file, then later emits an rlib containing the results of codegen. The rmeta file for a build (as opposed to a check) currently includes the MIR of all the functions in the crate. This is currently necessary, since the dependent crates might want to inline some of the functions.

If we’re delaying codegen to link time, then we can also delay inlining. This means that we don’t need the MIR in order to compile the dependent crates. This would give us two advantages:


When doing work in parallel with multiple threads or processes, if some, or one unit of work finishes significantly later than the rest, it can slow things down because we have CPU cores sitting idle with nothing useful to do. I’ll call these late finishers “stragglers”.

Currently in the Rust compiler, codegen of one crate can happen at the same time as earlier compilation stages of another crate. By deferring codegen until we’re building the final binary, we introduce an extra wait-point where we can potentially get stragglers.

One mitigation that we already get with the changes proposed above, is that a normal build becomes more like a cargo check in terms of pipelining. Rather than emitting .rmeta files containing MIR, the compiler emits .rmeta files without MIR. This means that dependent crates can start being compiled earlier because they don’t need to wait for the MIR of their dependencies.

However we still need to wait for the MIR for the last crate(s) to finish being written before we can start codegen. One potential for increased parallelism here is that rustc could make the MIR for a crate available before it has finished checking the crate. The compiler stages might look something like this:

So this is a form of pipelined building, similar to the pipelined building that cargo and rustc currently do. For comparison, this is what currently happens during a build:

Finer-grained codegen units

One way to reduce stragglers is by having smaller units of work. Currently the Rust compiler is a bit limited as to how small it can make codegen units. Some of the things that limit the Rust compiler are affected by changes proposed above.

My ideal would be if we could codegen each function separately. That maximises parallelism and also means that when doing incremental compilation we can avoid the need to repeat codegen for other functions that just happened to be in the same codegen unit on the previous build. However we’d need to make sure we’re not repeating any work in multiple codegen units.

If this were done today, one source of repeated work would be that any generic functions called by the function that we were going to codegen might, depending on optimisation level, be included too. Above, this post proposed that if we’re not inlining a generic function, that we codegen it only once and make it global rather than local. That would allow us to not include it together with the function that we’re compiling.

Apparently the cranelift backend already does codegen for each function independently.

Writing a separate object file for each function is unlikely to be practical or efficient. There are potential limits on how many arguments can be passed to the linker. The linker also might not be optimised for this. Having one function per object within an archive might be a possibility, although experimentation would be needed to see how well different linkers handled that. The alternative would be to pack multiple function definitions into a single object file even though they went through codegen separately.

Linker integration?

One option for deferring codegen would be to integrate codegen into the linker. This could take the form of building a linker into rustc and then using rustc as the linker.

An alternative would be to do codegen just prior to linking.

Integrating a linker into rustc would have some advantages:

However, the main disadvantage of such tight linker integration is that we then don’t get all the benefits of this work unless we’re using the integrated linker. My linker, Wild, is still a way off being ready for general use on Linux and I haven’t even started to look at porting to other platforms. So I think it’s important to try to do deferred codegen without integrating the linker.

Dong codegen just prior to linking could be done as follows:


If codegen is deferred until we are building a binary, then we need to make sure that we avoid repeating the same codegen more than once. This means that when doing a warm build, we need only do codegen for new / changed code.

We also need to be careful if we’re building multiple binary crates. All binary crates need to be able to share the codegen outputs where appropriate. One way to achieve this might be as follows.

Caching is quite possibly the hardest part of all of this to get correct. Ideally we’d like to avoid storing each compiled function twice (once in the cache and once in the object file to be linked), but this does make things significantly more complicated, especially without causing non-determinism.

Keeping memory usage in check

With all codegen being done by the one rustc process, care needs to be taken to ensure memory usage isn’t too high. Several strategies might help here:

Why not do all compilation on demand?

It would be pretty hard to retrofit fully on-demand compilation to a mature compiler like rustc. It’s also unclear how much you could actually skip. At least a bit of processing of each file is required in order to find all trait implementations so that method resolution can give correct results.

Correctness checks within function bodies could potentially be done only for functions that were reachable. But that raises lots of questions about whether you’d want to do that. I’ve heard that Zig doesn’t report some errors for dead code.

At least for now, it’s better to still do all correctness checking even for dead code.

Related work

I was somewhat inspired here by an excellent episode of the Software Unscripted podcast where Richard interviewed matklad. The episode is called “Incremental Compilation with Alex Kladov” (link). On the same podcast, in a much earlier episode, Richard interviews Andrew Kelley, the creator of Zig (link) which does a lot of its compilation in a more on-demand way.

Various related previous discussions:

I’ve only linked to discussions where they’re archived, but you can find open issues etc on these topics with a quick web search.

Next steps

I’m busy making the Wild linker, however I think I potentially have some bandwidth to start working on at least one of the ideas here. I haven’t yet figured out which one. If you’ve got any comments or would like to discuss this, my contact details are on my about page.


Thanks to bjorn3, simulacrum, Jakub Beránek, davidtwco and nora (Nilstrieb) for providing feedback on an earlier draft of this post. Any errors or inaccuracies are mine.

Thanks also to my github sponsors. Your contributions help to make it possible for me to continue to work on this kind of stuff rather than going and getting a “real job”.

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