Rust dylib rabbit holes

Bevy is a popular game engine for Rust. It’s pretty large and compilation times can be an issue. To help with this, Bevy provides an optional feature that when enabled, compiles most of Bevy as a dynamic library. This allows for faster iteration as you don’t need to relink all the Bevy internals each time you rebuild.

cargo run --features bevy/dynamic_linking

I was experimenting with this from the perspective of testing and profiling the linker I’m writing, Wild (see previous posts).

With that in mind, I was mostly looking at (a) how long it takes to link and (b) how well the resulting .so file works.

Initially, I was only looking at debug builds. To speed up the build, I turned off debug info.

debug = false

So this was perhaps more accurately described as a non-optimised build. Having optimisations off should make the build faster right? Probably it does, but it doesn’t necessarily make linking faster. Here’s the times for linking this shared object:

Linker Time (ms)
lld (18) 1975
mold (2.32.1) 1763
wild 895

I’ll not include GNU ld because it’s more than 10 seconds, making it painful to benchmark.

If we now set opt-level = 2, then the link time drops quite dramatically:

Linker Time (ms)
lld (18) 545
mold (2.32.1) 287
wild 183

I sometimes wonder if Rust (or more accurately Cargo) needs a third default profile “fastbuild” that doesn’t have debug info and is optimised for building fast. I’m sure there are a bunch of tradeoffs between compilation speed and debuggability that currently favour the latter. I bet there are optimisations that, if applied, would speed up the build, especially a warm build, but which are disabled in debug builds because they might make it harder to use a debugger on the code.

But what really drew my attention with the non-optimised build was what it’s getting the linker to do. We’re creating a shared object (.so file on Linux). Rustc gives instructions to the linker to tell it which symbols need to be exported. If a symbol is exported from the shared object, then an executable or another shared object that depends on our shared object can make use of those symbols. If a symbol isn’t exported then it cannot be directly referenced from outside the shared object.

In order to control which symbols get exported from the shared object, the linker is passed a version script which specifies which symbols should be global and then downgrades the rest to local.



For a non-optimised build, this version script lists more than 300k symbols to export! Contrast this with the optimised build, where it lists only 18k symbols. Looking into this a bit, the majority of the extra symbols happen because non-optimised builds enable -Z share-generics by default. These shared generics not only get exported from the crates that monomorphise them, they also get exported from the dylib. The remainder of the extra symbols look to be functions that would have been inlined in an optimised build. This seems somewhat surprising that a public function would be exported from a dylib only if it didn’t get inlined.

But let us for the moment assume that we actually for some reason need all 300k symbols to be exported.

When a dynamically linked executable or a shared object gets loaded, the runtime can look up symbols that are provided by other shared objects. On Linux, symbol lookups can either be eager, meaning that they happen when the binary is loaded, or lazy, meaning that the symbol is only looked up when the function is first called. For security reasons, lazy binding is less popular these days and rust indeed sets linker flags to bind symbols at load time.

For shared objects produced by rustc, most of these non-lazy symbol lookups are done with GLOB_DAT relocations. These relocations are instructions to the runtime to put the address of a symbol with a particular name at a particular location in memory. For example, the following relocation says to look up the symbol __rust_alloc, then put the address of that symbol at address 0x93ec698.

00000000093ec698  0000000700000006 R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT      0000000000000000 __rust_alloc + 0

If we check how many GLOB_DAT relocations are in our bevy shared object, we get a bit of a surprise.

readelf -W -r | grep GLOB_DAT | wc -l

But GLOB_DAT is for resolving references to symbols that the shared object depends on, so why is the number of outgoing references so similar to the number of symbols that the shared object exports?

Indeed, it turns out that this isn’t a coincidence. The majority of the symbols with GLOB_DAT relocations are for symbols that are defined by the dylib itself.

But why would the dylib request runtime resolution of a symbol that it itself defines? Dynamic linking on Linux allows symbols defined by shared objects to be overridden (also known as “interposing”). One use-case for this is to override the allocator provided by libc in order to perform runtime checks.

But we don’t really want to be able to override all these symbols, we just want them to be exported so that they can be used by our binary that uses the shared object. When the compiler builds an object file on Linux, symbols can be local or global. Locals are only accessible within that codegen unit, while globals can be referenced from other codegen units. Global symbols can then be further restricted by setting their visibility, which affects how they’ll be treated when dynamic linking.

Binding Visibility Accessible from other codegen units? Accessible from other dynamic objects? Can be overridden?
Local   No No No
Global Hidden Yes No No
Global Protected Yes Yes No
Global Default Yes Yes Yes

The key difference here is between default visibility and protected visibility. The latter means that the symbol cannot be interposed (overridden). A default visibility symbol however can be interposed, which means that if another shared object earlier in the load order, or the executable itself defines a symbol with the same name, that will take precedence.

OK, so we just need to set all our symbols to protected. That way they’ll be exported from the shared object, but won’t be permitted to be overridden.

I found the code in rustc that sets symbol visibility and prototyped changing it to set symbols to have protected visibility unless the symbol was marked as #[no_mangle]. This worked and drastically reduced the number of GLOB_DAT relocations. To test how much of a difference this makes, I tried loading shared objects with and without this change.

OK, that’s great. At that point I thought I should look for existing issues related to this and indeed found one. The creator of the cranelift backend for rustc, bjorn3 had also attempted to change symbols to use protected visibility, but had hit issues when linking with GNU ld.

GNU ld complains that direct references to protected symbols cannot be used when building a shared object. I tried GNU ld and got the same problem.

But let’s think about this for a moment, why can’t a shared object have direct references to a protected symbol - it cannot be overridden, so it should be fine to reference it directly. Right?

To understand what GNU ld’s objection is here, we need to look at how GCC compiles C code. We’ll start by looking at what it does with C code that references data.

extern int my_value; // Likely from a header file

int main() {
    return my_value;

First, let’s look at what the clang compiler does with this.

   0:	48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 	mov    0x0(%rip),%rax        # 7 <main+0x7>
			3: R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX	my_value-0x4
   7:	8b 00                	mov    (%rax),%eax

The first instruction is reading a pointer to our variable my_value from the GOT (global offset table). The GOT is a table of pointers. These pointers are generally populated by the runtime at startup to point to functions and variables that come from different shared objects.

The second instruction then loads the value from that pointer. This instruction sequence will work fine even if the variable my_value ends up coming from a shared object.

If the variable ends up being statically linked into our binary, then the linker will transform this assembly to:

    1130:       48 8d 05 f1 2e 00 00    lea    0x2ef1(%rip),%rax        # 4028 <my_value>
    1137:       8b 00                   mov    (%rax),%eax

The lea instruction here is loading the relative address of our variable, which is now known at link time. That means that there’s no access to the global offset table.

Now, let’s look at what GCC does:

   4:	8b 05 00 00 00 00    	mov    0x0(%rip),%eax        # a <main+0xa>
			6: R_X86_64_PC32	my_value-0x4

It’s using a PC32 relocation to access the variable my_value. This is a direct reference, which will only work if the address of the variable is known at link time. i.e. this won’t (or shouldn’t IMO) work if my_value comes from a shared object. If we add the flag -fPIC to gcc, then it produces the same code as clang.

So we have a trade-off. The code to directly access a variable that gets statically linked into our executable is shorter and presumably more efficient, but doesn’t really work if the variable ends up coming from a shared object. The code that does work for accessing the variable from a shared object is slightly longer and a bit less efficient, although with the linker optimising away the access to the global offset table, the efficiency difference is pretty small - however it remains longer than the direct access code.

I said that the direct access approach doesn’t work if the variable ends up coming from a shared object. Unfortunately that’s not entirely true. Linkers apply a horrible hack called copy-relocations in order to make it work. When they encounter a direct access to a variable that’s defined by a shared object, they allocate space for that variable in BSS (a zero-initialised section that doesn’t take up space in the file on disk), then at runtime the bytes of the variable get copied from the shared object that defined it into that space. That copy then overrides the definition provided by the shared object.

Diagram of a copy relocation

But what if the symbol definition in the shared object has protected visibility? That means it can’t be overridden right? GCC chose to interpret “can’t be overridden” as “can only be overridden by a copy relocation”.

For a shared object to work correctly when one of its symbols is overridden, there can’t be direct references to the symbol within the shared object. Here we get to a point of incompatibility between the GCC / GNU ld world and the LLVM / LLD world.

If we now look at the code that each compiler produces for putting into a shared object, we can see the other side of this difference. Here’s our C code:

int my_value = 42;

int get_my_value(void) {
	return my_value;

We tell both compilers that we might put this into a shared object by compiling with -fPIC.

GCC produces the following assembly for the variable access.

  19:	48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 	mov    0x0(%rip),%rax        # 20 <get_my_value+0xf>
			1c: R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX	my_value-0x4
  20:	8b 00                	mov    (%rax),%eax

i.e. even though the variable is protected, it still accesses it via the GOT.

Clang however produces a more efficient direct access to the variable.

  14:	8b 05 00 00 00 00    	mov    0x0(%rip),%eax        # 1a <get_my_value+0xa>
			16: R_X86_64_PC32	my_value-0x4

So when building an executable, GCC ends up directly referencing all symbols, even those that might be protected symbols from a shared object. In order to make that work, it then uses indirect references when building shared objects.

Clang does the opposite, using indirect references when building an executable, but then allows direct references to protected symbols when building a shared object.

Mixing these two different, and incompatible models for when it’s OK to directly reference something can lead to problems. If your shared object is built by LLVM with direct access to protected variables, then your main binary is built by GCC with direct access to all variables, we end up with two separate copies of our variable. If the variable is mutable, then a change made in the main binary won’t be seen by the shared object and vice versa.

In order to protect against this, GNU ld detects direct access to protected variables and refuses to link the shared object. But the shared object would have worked fine so long as it was only used by a binary compiled with LLVM (Clang).

This can be seen if we try to compile a shared object with Clang and link it with GNU ld:

clang -fPIC -shared b.c -o
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/b-09dfbd.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `my_value` can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value

The examples so far used protected symbols that were data, not functions, however the same problem occurs with functions. The only real difference is that the linker won’t do a copy relocation for a function, instead it synthesises a PLT entry (a small bit of machine code that jumps to the actual function) then uses that to override the function definition in the shared object.

int f1(void) {
	return 42;

typedef int (*int_fn_t)(void);

int_fn_t get_f1_ptr2(void) {
	return &f1;

Compiling this code with clang causes a link failure with GNU ld:

clang -shared -fPIC x.c
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/x-f06305.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `f1` can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value

This might seem like it’s just a trade-off between optimising code in the executable (GCC) or optimising code in the shared object (LLD), in which case we should presumably pick to optimise the executable, since for many uses that’s where the bulk of the code lives. However picking this relies on copy relocations, which are in my opinion, a hack. Like many hacks, they have a number of downsides.

The Rust compiler by default, uses LLVM to perform codegen. So when we change rustc to emit all rust-mangled symbols with protected visibility, LLVM does the same as Clang above and emits direct relocations to those symbols. This is fine provided we stick in the LLVM / LLD world, however if we try to link using GNU ld, it gets rejected because it doesn’t fit GNU’s model of relying on copy relocations for shared-object variable access from the main binary.

All of this came about because of GCC trying to simultaneously produce optimal code for executables while not knowing at compile time whether a symbol might come from a shared object. On Windows, a different path was taken. There, symbols that might come from a shared object (DLL on Windows) must be annotated in the source code with __declspec(dllimport). This allows the compiler to emit optimised, direct-access instructions for all other symbols.

An alternative to annotating the source to indicate whether a symbol will come from a shared object or be linked statically is to give the compiler access to the things we’re going to link against so that it can find where the definition comes from and make an appropriate decision. This would never fly in the C world where it’s expected that you can compile code with only access to the header file, but in most modern languages like Rust, it’s more of an option for the compiler to have access to your dependencies in order to make this kind of decision. Rust doesn’t currently do this, but it should be possible for Rust to always make the optimal choice between a direct or an indirect reference because it has all the information it needs to make that decision. Thanks to Reddit user u/Zoxc32 for the correction that Rust doesn’t currently do this.

Using default visibility for symbols in shared objects affects not only load time for those shared objects (150ms vs 5ms), but it also likely affects runtime performance, since all those variables now need to be accessed via the global offset table, which means an extra pointer hop to get to the data. There’s a good chance it also prevents LLVM from making various optimisations, since by using default visibility, we’re effectively telling it that any of these variables or functions might be swapped out for alternative definitions at runtime.

Some good news

I do my development on a system that’s based on Ubuntu 22.04, which has binutils version 2.38. Only after writing most of this blog post did I think to try checking the behaviour of more recent versions of GNU ld. As it turns out, binutils 2.40 fixes this problem in GNU ld.

Linking shared objects that have direct references to protected symbols is no longer an error. Kudos to LLD maintainer, Maskray for making this change!

Instead, building an executable that would require a copy relocation for a protected symbol is now an error.

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cciOjHc4.o: copy relocation against non-copyable protected symbol `my_value' in
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The error is now reported where it should be - when trying to build a binary that uses a shared object with protected symbols and the compiler emitted direct references to those symbols. The fix for that error is to compile the executable with -fPIC or switch to clang.

GCC maintains its behaviour of emitting direct relocations to variables and functions unless you compile with -fPIC, but that’s much less of a problem for Rust and other languages than the previous GNU ld behaviour.

Where to from here?

The fix to GNU ld is in binutils 2.40, which is in Ubuntu version 23.04 and later. However systems built on 22.04 will be around for a while, so I don’t think we can just switch to protected symbols and cause link errors on those older systems.

Work has been done to use lld by default for linking on Linux. This is currently on nightly versions of rustc. If we add a flag to enable emitting of protected symbols, then we could enable that flag when lld is being used as the linker.

It’s reasonable to ask, might creating shared objects with protected symbols cause those shared objects to be unusable from programs compiled with GCC? I believe the answer is no, since we’d only be making Rust mangled symbols as protected and they shouldn’t be getting referenced from code compiled by GCC.

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Thanks to my github sponsors. Your contributions help to make it possible for me to continue to work on this kind of stuff rather than going and getting a “real job”.

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